
I am new to the blogging community but, as my family tree has grown, I decided that this is the best way to share my findings and make new connections.
I have been interested in genealogy in about 30 years and have worked on it off and on during that time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wedding Wednesday

June is a month full of weddings. I have counted 96 weddings in my family tree with only one day in June that does not have any, the 24th. I may find one for that day eventually!
Most of these weddings happened many, many years ago and were not the elaborate events we have today, but they still brought people and families together.
I want to highlight one wedding in particular, that of my parents. Last year, they celebrated 60 years together. It was bittersweet as Dad was in the hospital and passed away just 16 days later. But that anniversary day was one of his good days.
Obviously, I was not at their wedding, but I can comment on their marriage. As with many couples, they had their ups and downs, I am sure, but growing up they were loving and supportive of each other as well as their children. They have been a wonderful example of two people committed to making a happy life together and home for their family.
I hope that many of the other weddings that occurred in June resulted in equally happy marriages.

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