
I am new to the blogging community but, as my family tree has grown, I decided that this is the best way to share my findings and make new connections.
I have been interested in genealogy in about 30 years and have worked on it off and on during that time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On the List!

I am on the Geneabloggers list! hopefully I will get more contacts that way. I haven't had much time for research lately, maybe over the weekend.


  1. Welcome to the Geneablogging community!

  2. Welcome to the Geneablogging community! I'm also new to it as of today. :)

  3. Welcome Nancy! I'm a newbee too and really enjoying the experience.

    It looks like you are off to a great start...you've already got pages set up...impressive!

    I noticed that we share some of the same surnames, although I have not listed all mine. (I like your list) I'm sure that you will find a lot of cousins from NE area. Some of mine include BREWSTER, CALL, HOPKINS, RICHARDSON, SNOW, CHAPPLE.

    I look forward to reading more from you!

  4. Keep an eye on the geneabloggers website site and you are sure to find ideas and inspirations to keep you going both on your blog and in your genealogy quests.
    Theresa (Tangled Trees)

  5. Thank you everyone! I hope to be able to make lots of friends and connect to some family.

  6. Thank you, Dr. Bill. I see you are from the Ozarks. I lived there for about 10 years, but moved east 7 years ago. I do get back occasionally for visits to family.

  7. "Frank's Daughter": I look forward to comparing notes on our mutual surnames.

  8. Welcome to the genealblogging community! My husband has many HollingSworths in his family. :)


  9. Jennifer,
    My grandfather was always quite adamant that his last name did not have an "s" in the middle! LOL
    But I wouldn't be surprised if there is some connection between the names somewhere.
