
I am new to the blogging community but, as my family tree has grown, I decided that this is the best way to share my findings and make new connections.
I have been interested in genealogy in about 30 years and have worked on it off and on during that time.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Genealogy Research Day

Yesterday I hosted a Genealogy Research Day. Several members of my local, informal genealogy group have said they wanted a day to work on research with other people so when they had questions, they would have someone to ask instead of just getting frustrated and stopping. That was my goal for yesterday. Not to have a "conference" with speakers, classes, etc. But rather a time for each person to work on their own research with the help of others. If I do say so myself, I believe it was successful, in that is exactly how it worked. People with experience in one area were able to help others who needed it and were able to get help in areas that were not as familiar to them. From the evaluations I received, it was well received and additional, similar workshops would be welcomed. I think I am on to something here!

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